
The mission of our Association is to discover new talants, promote bright projects and popularize playing piano. We celebrate the beauty of music through premier awards: "Award for contribution to Popularization Piano Industry", "Top Acoustic and Digital Pianos".

Sullivan Fortner at the 2015 American Pianists Awards

We bring together piano lovers to share ideas, offer workshops, sponsor student recitals and create performance opportunities for area musicians. Over the years, the group has grown from a small community who mainly scheduled bi-annual recitals to a strong community of colleagues who help each other with different problems.

In short, Pianists Association is a place for the independent piano lovers and professionals to join with like-minded people with the goal of sharing information, ideas and energy. A member can be as involved in the association as he or she desires, there is no minimum or maximum.

If you are a piano lover and wish to become a member, please contact us.